
Learn To Love Your Garden More

Learn To Love Your Garden More

Let’s start by saying that not everyone is born with a green thumb, and that’s okay because just because you aren’t a natural gardener like so many others are, that doesn’t mean that you can’t make the most of the outdoor space that you have. The key to learning to love your garden more is putting more time into it. Because the more time that you put into your garden, the nicer a space it will become, and thus the more time you will want to spend in it, and when you want to spend time in it, the chances are that it will have become a space that you love.

Now, that’s all well and good but how do you encourage yourself to spend more time outside in your garden, and while you’re out there what should you be doing? It’s a tricky question and one that a lot of people struggle with, but it’s actually simpler than you would think to get motivated and to know what you should be doing.

To help you learn to love your garden more and get motivated to spend more time out there, below are some useful tips and advice that you might want to have a read of, take note of and implement in your gardening strategy.

Start by getting inspired

The first step that you need to take is to start by getting inspired. If you are going to make your garden a space that you love, you need to spend some time getting inspired. Know a friend who has a beautiful garden? Head to their house and have a browse of what they’ve done with their space - take photos and write notes if you think that doing so will help to boost your inspiration.

Another option could be to browse Pinterest. What’s great about Pinterest is that whatever garden you have - big, small, teeny tiny - you can search for inspiration for it. Make a board called ‘Garden Inspiration’ and post any ideas that you like onto there, and then use that board as your gardening inspiration.

The fact is that the more inspired you are, the more motivated you will become which is extremely important when it comes to gardening.

Write a checklist of daily, weekly and monthly tasks

The next step is to help you stay organised and ensure that nothing gets missed. If you are going to make sure that you keep on top of your garden, it’s essential that you write a checklist of daily, weekly and monthly tasks that you need to complete. This should include things like watering your plants, weeding, mowing the lawn, sweeping the patio or decking, planting new plants, pruning, and so on.

When life gets busy it’s easy to forget to do all of the tasks that you need to complete, which is why having a checklist can be so beneficial. If you create a checklist, you should find it far easier to stay on top if your garden and its continuing needs.

Invest in what you need

Don’t be afraid to invest in your garden. The fact is to create a beautiful space that you are totally in love with, you are going to need to buy some items, and that’s fine. Set yourself a monthly gardening budget and ensure that you stick to it. Of course, when it comes to what you buy, this should be a combination of pretty things like wind charms and garden tables and essentials like wooden water butts and gardening tools.

You can make your garden an amazing place, it’s just a case of being willing to invest in the space and transform it into a personal place that you and your family can cherish and enjoy.

Focus on aesthetic

It’s essential that when it comes to garden design that you take aesthetics seriously. Yes, your garden can have some quirky and wild features, such as a wild flower bed, but it’s also important to make it a space that has a strong focus on aesthetic.

You might not have had a green thumb before you started spending time in your garden but the more time you spend in there, the more you will not only learn to love your garden but also the practice of gardening itself. It’s something that you will love more and more the longer you spend doing it, because of the benefits that come with gardening, such as improve happiness and wellness, and better physical fitness, for instance.